by jeffp | Nov 26, 2018 | Workplace Safety

Stress is present in nearly all workplaces. Short-term stress is easily caused by high-pressure due dates, heavy overtime burdens, and the like. The challenge is that short-term stress can quickly turn into long-term occupational stress. This kind of stress creates lasting damage that’s both physical and mental.
For many, dealing with this sort of long-term work stress results in turning to cigarettes, eating too much, alcoholism, and drug abuse. Such things have dire consequences for long-term health and happiness.
While it might be difficult to avoid workplace stress entirely, helping workers take steps to better handle occupational stress is easier than dealing with the aftermath of a suffering worker..
Help Workers Understand Occupational Stressors
Professions vary yet lots of share comparable causes of stress. These can consist of:
- Conflicts with management
- Insufficient wage or advantages
- Volatile office
- High quantities of work
- Excessive overtime
- Mundane workload
- Feeling a lack of control in the work setting.
Whether your workers are in an office or on a construction site, these core causes of stress are commonplace.
Managing Work-Related Stress
After finding the causes of work environment stress, helping employees feel empowered can make handling stress easier. By striving to understand root causes of stress and then implementing systems to help deal with those causes, you can eliminate most stressors from your business completely.
And when work-related stress does occur, encourage employees to take a positive action to lower their stress. Give time for them to take a walk instead of a smoke break. Encourage going to the gym… perhaps offer a gym membership incentive. The key is to encourage and help facilitate healthy coping mechanisms.
Encourage your workers to take time off. Mandate it. For many workers, they fear using their paid leave benefits. Be sure that workers know they needn’t fear reprisals for taking the time off that they’ve earned.
The initial step in conquering occupational stress is recognizing it. You might be surprised how a carefully planned benefits plan can help. And as always, having appropriate insurance in place is absolutely critical to protect the business and its employees. Regardless of the challenge, reach out to us with questions. We’re here to help!
by jeffp | Oct 20, 2018 | Workplace Safety
If you’ve ever worked a job which involves night shifts, you’ll be all too familiar with the havoc it can wreak on your body. Human beings are ultimately incredibly intelligent and complicated animals – animals who are supposed to hunt during the day and sleep at night. As a result, our body clock is adapted to work with the sun, causing us to feel awake and alert during the day and tired and sleepy at night. It’s simple biology. However, in the 24-hour world we consistently find ourselves in, more and more workers are being forced to fight their instincts and work tirelessly through the night.
This leads to a whole host of contradictory advice which doesn’t get anyone anywhere. People might say “take a power nap” or “eat a snack”, and although this can temporarily help when working unnatural hours, you’re fighting against millions of years of biological evolution – it’s a losing battle.
The effects of shift work and exhaustion
Approximately 16% of shift workers frequently work shifts in the evening or night, causing their sleeping patterns to go haywire. As a result, they are 60% more likely to fall asleep on the job compared to people who work regular hours in the day. This is obviously dangerous, especially seeing as many night shift workers are employed in dangerous of critical jobs, such as hospitals or warehouses with dangerous machinery.
This, of course, means that there’s an increased risk of accidents on the job due to falling asleep, with sleepy shift workers endangering both themselves and others. The commute home can be dangerous too, especially if exhausted drivers are trying to stay awake while behind the wheel. Needlessly to say, this irregular sleep also leads to reduced efficiency and productivity during the shift itself, leaving employers dissatisfied.
So what is the solution?
Alas, the best cure for shift work-related tiredness is sleep, and lots of it. If you cannot get the required sleep, taking regular naps can help to improve one’s alertness, at least for a while. It’s recommended that shift workers take a nap before driving home in the morning, improving their alertness for their commute, although this is obviously not always practical, and many people find it difficult to sleep when not in a cozy or familiar environment.
You should ideally take a nap for more than an hour in order to improve alertness, although this is obviously not practical in most workplaces. The other downside here is that longer naps can lead to sleep inertia, making you feel sluggish and groggy after waking up. Ironically, the hour after a long nap can actually make your performance even more impaired than before, making it difficult to strike a balance of naps and regular sleep which fulfills your needs and keep you running at an optimal pace throughout the night.
If you’re going to nap but you have limited time to do so, 30-minute (or less) “power naps” may be your best option. These power naps help to improve your alertness without giving you that groggy feeling which makes it hard to concentrate.
What about food?
Although it can be tempting to binge on high-energy foods during a long night shift, the body simply is not designed to digest food during the night, meaning that eating may actually make you feel more sluggish. Studies conducted on night shift workers have found that people who eat large meals during night shifts find it harder to concentrate than those who don’t eat anything at all. Those who ate a lot during their night shift also felt sleepier and more bloated than those who ate nothing or very little. It seems that snacking or eating nothing at all is the best solution for night shift workers, although once again, this isn’t a very practical option either.
Ultimately, power naps and snacks are not enough to sustain someone through a night shift. In reality, there is very little than you can do other than apply the tips we have discussed in the blog and try to catch sleep whenever possible in the rest of the week. Although you may get paid extra for working nights, is the constant tiredness you feel on your days off really worth it?
If you’re looking for advice on night shift work and accidents which are more likely to happen in workplaces during nights, feel free to speak to a member of our insurance team today!
by jeffp | Sep 17, 2018 | Workplace Safety

Heat exhaustion and heat stress are very real concerns for people who work in hot climates, especially if their workplaces don’t come equipped with air conditioning, like if they work outside. Heat stress in the workplace can be a problem for many US workers, especially if they live in a cold area which is unequipped for heat and then a heatwave strikes out of nowhere! Here we offer you some tips for managing heat stress in the workplace.
Act quickly
If you suspect that you may be undergoing heat stroke or heat exhaustion, you should initially tell someone and seek medical aid if necessary. If possible, you should move to a shaded area or a cool, air-conditioned area where you can begin to cool down and rehydrate. Be sure to drink plenty of cool water and spray yourself with cool water to control your temperature, and try to remove or loosen any clothing which may be making you too hot, as long as it is safe to do so.
Take preventive action
Certain everyday measures are likely to make you better in heat-stress situations. For example, staying fit and healthy will naturally regulate your body temperature more effectively. In addition, you should avoid working in the full sun if possible, taking breaks as you feel necessary. Regular sunblock application is recommended, as well as wearing lightweight clothing which covers your skin to avoid burns. Try to avoid caffeine and alcohol if possible too, as these can dehydrate you and wreak havoc in a hot situation.
How employers can help
Employers should provide free drinking water to their workers, allowing them to take rest breaks in cool/shaded areas regularly. They should also provide fans and A/C where possible and automate any labor-intensive processes with machinery where they can. It’s also good practice to schedule work for cooler periods of the day if possible, especially if your employees are working outside.
Heat stress, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion are all growing concerns for many workplaces in the US and overseas, and more and more employers are realizing that their workforces may be at risk. If you’re looking for advice on heat stress and insurance policies which cover it, why not speak to a member of our team today?
by jeffp | Sep 5, 2018 | Workplace Safety

Although the US is known for its romanticized “workaholic” culture, more and more workers are finding themselves becoming ill and fatigued as the demands of their working lives and personal lives make it difficult for them to cope. Fatigue itself has become a big issue in workforces as of late, with the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine defining fatigue as the body’s response to sleep deprivation or lengthy mental or physical hard work.
What causes fatigue in workers?
Although some causes of fatigue are out of employers’ control, many factors of it are related to subpar working conditions. For example, working long hours, a lack of sleep, and having a heavy workload are all conducive to the development of fatigue, as well as miscellaneous medical conditions and environmental factors which could indeed be aggravated by a rigorous working culture.
Matthew Hallowell, an associate professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, explains how fatigue can even come about due to social interactions in the workplace:
“You can be fatigued simply if you go to work and have really poor social interactions with your co-workers – it’s not just about how much sleep you get.”
The professor explained the main reasons for workers developing fatigue in American workplaces:
“The industries that are at highest risk would be those where people are working long hours, overtime, many days in a row, when they’re exposed to harsh environmental conditions, like working outside in the rain, snow. Environmental conditions can include things like noise or vibration, really heavy mental task loads for long periods of time. You can extend to what industries that defines, like electrical transmission and distribution line workers, or people who drive snowplows.”
As the cost of living rises, especially in well-populated states such as California, more and more citizens are being forced to work multiple jobs, something which is leading many people to develop fatigue. According to research, those who work multiple jobs get 40 minutes less sleep per average on a daily basis than those with simpler working lives.
What are the effects of fatigue?
All of this is a problem for employers, as fatigue can cause their workers to become not only disengaged and unenthusiastic but physically and mentally impaired too, making them less efficient at their jobs due to their fatigued condition. For example, fatigued individuals have slower reaction times, decreased cognitive ability, and have a tendency to make more mistakes than their well-slept counterparts. Although fatigue is found in industries across the job market, it is particularly prevalent among healthcare workers, drivers, and shift workers, who often work long/unusual hours and are in positions where they could seriously injure themselves or others if their concentration lapses due to exhaustion.
The annual incidence rate for US workers who sleep 7-8 hours per day is around 2.27 per 100 workers. However, for those who sleep 5 hours or less per day, there are around 7.89 incidents per 100 workers. As a result, fatigued workers are more than 3 times as likely to get involved in an incident when compared to well-slept workers.
Fatigue risk management systems
The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine released a statement in 2012 advising employers on lowering rates of fatigue in their workers. The fatigue risk management system proposed by the ACOEM suggests that employers should balance their staffing and workload so that workloads are reasonable, manage their shift schedules so that employees have reasonable time to adjust to sleep patterns, and train employees on managing fatigue and sleep disorders. Furthermore, they suggest that workplaces should be designed to minimize the effects of fatigue, and the condition should be monitored by management before it gets out of hand.
The ACOEM statement also suggests that workers should be trained and educated regarding health issues relating to sleep and fatigue, as well following a proper diet and exercise routine which is conducive to good sleep. There are also other strategies, such as “alertness strategies” whereby work environments are intentionally designed to be cool, bright, not humid, and stimulating, minimizing the risks of falling asleep or “drifting off” on the job.
Protecting your employees from fatigue is becoming increasingly important in the 24/7 culture we are creating in the US these days. If you require any advice on minimizing tiredness in your employees, speak to a member of our helpful team today for world-class advice!
by jeffp | Aug 16, 2018 | Workplace Safety

A total of 30 young workers aged 15-24 died as a result of work-related accidents between 2012 and 2016, and the numbers are yet to drop. Inexperience is often blamed for this, with younger workers simply having less experience in dealing with workplace hazards. As a result, here we offer you 5 tips for protecting your younger workers from hazards.
1. Assess the risk of violence in the workplace
It is essential to have policies and programs in place for violence and similar forms of harassment. This is pretty basic and common sense stuff, stating that employees should immediately report any threats or violent incidents to management as soon as possible. If you have to fire someone who is being violent or threatening, then so be it – your workplace will be better off as a whole.
2. Conduct basic health and safety training
According to most legal systems, employees must receive at least basic health and safety training before they can work legally. The training may vary according to your industry, but it should be given nonetheless. For example, workers in the food industry may have to undergo training in using kitchen knives and cooking food safely.
3. Organize hands-on training
The easiest way to impart health and safety knowledge is to show your employees hands-on. Give your young employees demonstrations on how to load/unload materials, handle materials, and use heavy machinery.
4. Display health and safety documents
Display both federal and state-level healthy and safety documents in a common area (such as the canteen) where employees are able to observe the documents and peruse them at their leisure. Informative posters about workplace safety are also valuable, especially if they are memorable and well-designed.
5. Maintain good equipment and machinery
The machinery and equipment used by your workforce should be well-maintained and in good condition, making sure that your employees are working with equipment that is safe and fit for purpose. Regular maintenance and equipment checks are the easiest way to ensure this, and any faulty equipment should be replaced or fixed as soon as a problem is found. One of the most common causes of injuries, for example, is faulty electrical equipment, despite being incredibly easy to prevent with a little regular maintenance.
Although all industries have their workplace hazards, young people are particularly vulnerable when working in the retail, tourism, hospitality, restaurant, and recreational services industries. These industries all pose unique threats to the safety of young workers, in addition to general hazards such as slips, trips, and falls. Whatever industry young people find themselves in, many workplace accidents can be avoided with the proper training and preventive measures in place.
Looking to make your business a safer place to work for young people? We deal with these cases all the time, giving us limitless experience. Contact us today for more information on young peoples’ safety in the workplace and how it may affect your company.
by jeffp | Aug 10, 2018 | Workplace Safety

As times and technologies progress, there are more and more risks presenting themselves for US employers in 2018, as well as employers around the globe. Workplace safety is, of course, a never-ending concern, although phenomena such as data security and the upcoming mid-term elections are also of great concern too.
Corporate accountability for data breaches
With regulations such as GDPR now being enacted in the European Union, companies all over the globe are being forced to respond and up their game in terms of data protection and security. Hackers and becoming more and more prevalent, and it only takes a couple of inconsistencies or weak spots in your system for people to breach your databases and hold them to ransom. Companies handling sensitive data should look into hiring penetration testers who can make sure that there are no (or very few) vulnerabilities in their system.
Wage pressure
When it comes to wage pressure, you only have to look to states such as California to see the problems with inadequate salaries and sky-high living costs. As conditions worsen economically, many employers are maintaining a hardline policy of maintaining their current salaries as a means of ensuring their companies’ futures in these trying times, although this understandably isn’t going down well with workforces and is causing drops in employee morale. Nonetheless, there are mixed views about the best way to progress with workplace wages.
Sexual harassment claims
As campaigns such as #MeToo continue to gain steam, we are beginning to see less and less tolerance for workplace harassment, with more and more women (and sometimes men) coming forward to make sexual harassment claims against preying coworkers. 60% of US women claim to have been sexually harassed at some point in their lives, with many of these claims originating from workplaces. Of course, a shift away from harassment is good for society as a whole but could prove costly for employers who may have to foot the bill legally.
Upcoming mid-term elections
November’s upcoming mid-term elections could undoubtedly have a great effect on workplace regulations and protections, and this is something that employers need to be mindful of, as policies could always change in late 2018 or early 2019. Trump’s presidency has been something of a controversial one, which leaves the fate of the mid-term elections dangling in the balance.
Risk assessments
If you’re concerned about these areas or anything else which could be detrimental to your business in the upcoming years, you should consider performing a thorough risk assessment of your business from top to bottom. A thorough assessment allows you to identify your weakest spots are your biggest vulnerabilities, enabling you to take preventive measures and take out insurance policies which cover your business where it needs it most.
We’re always on the lookout for insightful information about insurance topics that are relevant to the ever-changing times we live in. If you’re looking for insurance information which could help your business’s profits and longevity, speak to a member of our team today.