According to the American Federation of State, County as well as Community Staff members, one of the typical hazards associated with excavation or trenching job is cave-ins. Individuals bearing the highest risk of getting seized in a collapse include but not limited to:

a) Workers who repair utility lines like sewer, water, and others

b) Roadway building contractors and also

c) People who actively participate in digging.

Statistics by the American Federation Of State, County And Municipal Employees (AFSCME) indicate that slides or collapses during excavation can be instigated mainly by the following factors:

· The heavy weight of the excavation equipment especially if positioned near to the margin of a trench

· Loose soil culminating from construction equipment vibration and traffic in the construction location.

· Water accessing the construction site or the excavation location. This compromises the strength of trench peripheral and as a result a slide might occur.

· Loose soil that weakens the walls of the trench or construction and may end up collapsing.

Before performing any excavation or trenching activity, it’s always prudent to seek an expert to examine possible risks prior to commencement of the activity and also during the procedure till the process is complete. The operation ought to be regularly monitored in order to ensure that all possible hazards are kept on check.

On the other hand, protective measures have to be taken for any form of excavation or trench that happens to be deeper than 5′. However, digging operations that are fewer than 5′ deep might also require a safety system in case the professional onsite discerns a potential cave-in.

Below are some safety systems that are recommended in order to mitigate excavation and construction site hazards:


This system comprises of wales, cross-braces as well as uprights and needs to be installed from the top down as well as removed from all-time low up. It supports the wall surfaces of the excavation hence reducing the likelihood of a potential slide.


This system ensures the sides of the hole open out from the base of the excavation. This kind of soil management moves out an appropriate angle from the base (depending on the soil) to help prevent any probable collapse.


This system comprises of trench guards or trench boxes that are put in the digging site to prevent the trench walls from failing. The person is safeguarded while in the box. Some boxes can be moved as work progresses. All shields must protrude a minimum of 18 inches from the top of the trench slope.


The benching system a lot like sloping. However steps are cut into the sides of the trench. It’s important to note that if you are digging more than 20′ deep you’ll need a registered engineer to authorize your solution.

Dealing With Risk Exposure

As a contractor you face many different kinds of risk exposure. It’s important to have comprehensive protection to be sure profits are preserved and that your company isn’t put at risk as a result of a catastrophic claim. Please reach out to us for cost-effective ideas on how to leverage and maximize insurance to limit exposure.