Supervisors have a lot to keep track of. Management means more than assigning work. Managers maintain a list of responsibilities affecting workplace safety. Effective supervisors create safe environments through action and training. Staff trained to spot and report safety issues create a safer environment. To promote a safe environment for industry, apply the following methods to the workplace:
Staff Training
Encourage staff to locate hazards, maintain awareness, and perform work safely. Train staff on any protective equipment necessary, and label all steps for emergency response. Ensure completion of all mandatory safety training courses, and keep accurate records.
Safe Methods
Supervisors are responsible for more than getting the job complete, it must be completed safely. Safe practices apply to careers from the office to construction. In some cases, managers may need to create methods to reduce risk in the workplace. Employees with open communication with a manager will be able to report any safety concerns.
Fast response to safety concerns builds trust and creates a safer environment. For situations beyond a manager’s control to resolve, take any immediate action necessary to keep worker’s safe. Report to higher management and follow-up until resolved.
Clear Hazards
The majority of workplace claims begin with an unsafe environment. Managers training staff to spot safety hazards and remove them to see reduced workplace-accidents. Once hazards are located, take any proper safety and removal measures. Prevent further employee contact with hazards until resolution.
Follow-Up on Claims and Reports
Effective managers investigate all reports of unsafe situations in the workplace. Inform staff members on the proper steps for reporting workplace incidents to the OMS (Occupation Medical Service). Stay compliant. The National Institute of Health (NIH) requires reporting of all workplace injuries. Working with OSHA, the OMS investigates and resolves workplace hazards and injuries. Address any official employee-claims forms promptly.
Encourage a Speedy Return
The longer employees remain away from the workplace, the less likely it is they will return at all. Encourage workers absent from the workplace due to injury to return to work as soon as medically cleared. Consider any physical limitations caused by injuries, limiting employee duties if possible. Keeping teams motivated, safe and effective helps managers succeed.
A lot can happen in a workplace. Add the human factor and anything is possible. The right training, communication, and processes can help keep employees safe and insurance costs low. Talk to an insurance agent today for tips on keeping rates low through workplace safety.
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